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Considering Job: Reconciling Sovereignty and Suffering

Considering Job: Reconciling Sovereignty and Suffering

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Considering Job: Reconciling Sovereignty and Suffering
by Anthony Selvaggio

In Considering Job, Anthony T. Selvaggio demonstrates how God is glorified as both sovereign and good through the reality of human suffering. Selvaggio prepares us to courageously face suffering in our life and more effectively minister to others experiencing miseries in their lives. By embracing the wisdom of this ancient book of Job, we will be drawn closer to our holy, righteous, merciful, and good God.

Anthony T. Selvaggio is a pastor, author, lecturer, conference speaker, and former practicing attorney. He currently serves as pastor of the Rochester Christian Reformed Church (CRCNA) in Rochester, New York.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage
ISBN: 9781601788368
Item #: 15331
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 8
Page Count: 184
Publication Date: 2021

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