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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Editors: Bruce Demarest & Keith Matthews.

The Dictionary of Everyday Theology and Culture takes key theological concepts out of the seminary and puts them on the street, allowing every reader to understand the terms and then practice them. This resource contains an alphabetical listing of 170 theological and cultural terms; each entry includes a definition (explaining the term in easy-to-understand language) and an everyday application (helping readers grasp how to live out the concept).

Sound theology isn't simply the intellectual exercise of reflecting on God's existence and works. Biblical truths are intended for godly living and Christian service. Therefore, this dictionary goes deeper than other reference texts, helping readers apply truths about God to such issues as abortion, divorce, ecology, bioethics, prayer, worship, evangelism, stewardship, politics, and the media.
Publisher: NavPress
ISBN: 9781600061929
Item #: 8466
Binding: Hardcover
Page Count: 457
Publication Date: 2010

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