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Developing a Biblical Worldview

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Developing a Biblical Worldview: Seeing Things God’s Way

Developing a Biblical Worldview equips readers to think biblically about the world in which we live. Four questions that everyone asks, at least implicitly, about life and reality are used as a rubric for analyzing worldviews: Who are we? Where are we? What is wrong? What is the answer? Professor C. Fred Smith answers these questions from a biblical perspective, enabling readers to discern how they have been influenced by false worldviews and where they need to grow in their biblical understanding.

As readers consider what it means to be human beings made in the image of God, to live in the world God created, to experience sin and its consequences, and to believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ, they will be encouraged to immerse themselves intentionally in the totality of Scripture and see the world God’s way.
Publisher: Broadman/Holman
ISBN: 9781433674464
Item #: 12678
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 9
Page Count: 200
Publication Date: 2015

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