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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Archibald Alexander's A Brief Compendium of Bible Truth is a welcome addition to the growing corpus of reprinted material from early faculty members of Princeton. First printed in 1846 and now newly edited, this summary of Christianity's major doctrines is a pocket theology for "plain, common readers" who do not have the time or opportunity to study larger works of systematic theology, but still want to grow in their spiritual understanding. Reading this book will enable you to better comprehend those biblical truths that matter most for your walk as a believer in today's world, making you, by God's grace, a stronger and more godly Christian.

Archibald Alexander (1772-1851) served as the first professor at Princeton Theological Seminary and was the founder of the Princeton Theology, which merged Reformed experiential theology as found in the Westminster Standards with Scottish Common Sense Realism.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage
ISBN: 9781892777355
Item #: 12775
Binding: Hardback
Page Count: 220
Publication Date: 2005

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