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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Eternity Realized: A Guide to the Thoughtful

In "Eternity Realized: A Guide to the Thoughtful," Philip guides the reader to the borders of Immanuel's land. Too often, Christians neglect the practise of being heavenly minded. Philip reminds us of our duty to meditate on heaven and the danger we place our soul in when we disregard this task. Yet, more than just pointing out a mere duty, Philip places key aspects of the Christian life in the light of eternity and gives practical helps in cultivating a delight in heavenly things. Read, ponder, and experience how developing the habit of realizing the eternal world to come will help you keep this world in its proper place.

Robert Philip (1791-1858) was born in Huntly in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. He became a minister for Newbington Chapel in Liverpool in 1815, serving them for ten years. In 1826, he took up the pastorate at the Maberly Chapel in London, where he ministered faithfully until 1855. He wrote a number of experiential manuals and biographical tributes, which circulated in both Britain and the United States.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage
ISBN: 9781601780072
Item #: 12873
Binding: Paper
Page Count: 194
Publication Date: 2007

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