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Symington, William


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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
The Atonement & Intercession of Jesus Christ

This is a classic statement on two pivotal doctrines of the Christian faith. William Symington thoughtfully considers Christ’s atonement and intercession, and provides a clear analysis of both. When looking at the atonement, he begins by defining its substitutionary nature, then addresses objections to it, its necessity, and the ample scriptural evidence of its reality. He proceeds with a closer study of Christ’s sufferings and their value, extent, and outcome. Symington aptly closes by discussing Christ’s work of intercession as the continued efficacy of His atoning sacrifice.

William Symington (1795-1862) was born at Paisley, Scotland. He was ordained in the Reformed Presbyterian church at age 24, where he served the congregation in Stranraer. He was installed in 1839 as the minister at Great Hamilton Street Reformed Presbyterian Church, Glasgow, and became professor of theology for the Reformed Presbyterian church in 1853.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage
ISBN: 9781892777485
Item #: 13009
Binding: Paper
Page Count: 308
Publication Date: 2006

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