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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
GlobalChurch: Reshaping Our Conversations, Renewing Our Mission, Revitalizing Our Churches

By Graham Hill

Christianity seems to be in decline in the West. But many churches in Asia, Africa, Latin America and other parts of the Majority World are growing rapidly. Western Christianity can no longer claim to be the center of the global church. Before long, two-thirds of Christians will live in Asia, Africa and Latin America. What does this mean for global Christian mission? What does it mean for worship, theology, faith and evangelism in the West?

In GlobalChurch, Graham Hill engages with more than one hundred high-profile Majority World Christian leaders to find out what they can teach the West about mission, leadership, hospitality, creation care, education, worship and more. He challenges the Western church to move away from a Eurocentric and Americentric view of church and mission, and he calls the church to construct global missional conversations. The future of the global church—including the churches of the West—exists in these global exchanges. This resource engages with the work and thought of Majority World theologians and missiologists.

Graham Hill (PhD, Flinders University) teaches practical theology at Morling College in Sydney, Australia, where he is also the vice principal. A former church planter and pastor, he is a member of the Baptist World Alliance International Commissions on Ministry and Evangelism.
Publisher: IVP
ISBN: 9780830840854
Item #: 13125
Binding: Hardback
Chapters: 16
Page Count: 516
Publication Date: 2015

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