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Kibbe, Michael


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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
From Topic to Thesis: A Guide to Theological Research

By Michael Kibbe

While courses in Bible and theology typically require research papers, particularly at the graduate level, very few include training in research. Professors have two options: use valuable class time to teach students as much as they can, or lower their standards with the understanding that students cannot be expected to complete tasks for which they have never been prepared.

From Topic to Thesis: A Guide to Theological Research offers a third option. This affordable and accessible tool walks students through the process, focusing on five steps: finding direction, gathering sources, understanding issues, entering discussion and establishing a position. Its goal is to take students directly from a research assignment to a research argument—in other words, from topic to thesis.

Michael Kibbe (PhD, Wheaton College) is assistant professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute-Spokane in Spokane, Washington, where he teaches Greek and hermeneutics.
Publisher: IVP
ISBN: 9780830851317
Item #: 13159
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 5
Page Count: 153
Publication Date: 2015

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