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EMPOWERED DVD (for Evangelism) KIT

EMPOWERED DVD (for Evangelism) KIT

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Empowered DVD Leader's Kit: Equipping Everyone for Relational Evangelism

Rebecca Manley Pippert & Dick Molenhouse

So many Christians feel nervous, guilty or awkward when they think about sharing their faith with friends and family.

It doesn't have to be this way. You—whoever you are—can be empowered for evangelism that is faithful, compelling and relational. Empowered will leave ordinary Christians not only wanting to share their faith, but knowing how to talk about Jesus in their normal lives and everyday conversations.

Becky Pippert and her husband Dick have spent the past 13 years doing evangelism training in churches and at conferences on almost every continent. Empowered is the fruit of all these years of working right around the world, of motivating and equipping ordinary Christians to share their faith with those around them.

All you need to assess the course and get started is the DVD Leader's kit, which includes:
- Member's handbook
- Leader's guide
- Uncovering the Life of Jesus

Rebecca Manley Pippert regularly speaks on spiritual renewal, evangelism and character formation for church conferences, at schools and colleges and in pastoral training seminars. Becky has written several books on evangelism and Christian living, including the best-selling Out of the Saltshaker. and the LiveGrowKnow DVD curriculum.
Publisher: Good Book Co
ISBN: 9781784981082
Item #: 13501
Binding: DVD & Book
Page Count:
Publication Date: 2025

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