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Gardner, Paul

REVELATION Focus on the Bible

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Revelation: The Compassion and Protection of Christ

Paul Gardner - PCA

It is ironical that a book called 'the revelation' remains probably the most obscure of all the books of the Bible. Many Christians have never ventured further than the first 3 chapters and others have studied its intricacies and the split churches that resulted wished that they hadn't!

For those who already love the book of Revelation this commentary will take you a little deeper and stimulate thinking about how the teaching should be applied to the modern church.

Paul Gardner is also the author of Ephesians: Encouragement and Joy in Christ (ISBN 978-1-84550-264-5) and 1&2 Peter and Jude (ISBN 978-1-78191-129-7)in the Focus on the Bible commentary series.

Dr. Paul Gardner was previously a lecturer in New Testament at Oak Hill Theological College in London and a Rural Dean in the Church of England. In 2005, after serving as Archdeacon of Exeter for three years, Dr. Gardner moved to the United States and now serves as the Senior Minister at Christ Church Presbyterian, Atlanta, Georgia.
Publisher: Christian Focus
ISBN: 9781845503444
Item #: 13568
Binding: Paper
Page Count: 320
Publication Date: 2001

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