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Nyquist, J. Paul


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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Is Justice Possible? The Elusive Pursuit of What is Right

The innocent are convicted. The guilty get away. The scales tip toward the powerful, while the weak remain oppressed.

If our world is so sophisticated, why is there so much injustice? What can believers do? Can we ever expect justice? Dr. Paul Nyquist, president of Moody Bible Institute, addresses these questions and more in his new book, Is Justice Possible?

In four parts he considers:
•Biblical and theological foundations of justice
•Obstacles to justice in human society
•Practical steps for pursuing justice in political, personal, and public arenas
•The hope of true justice upon Christ's return

As police shootings and wrongful incarcerations raise increasing questions in the minds of Christians, Is Justice Possible? will seek to provide answers and establish biblical expectations.

At its core, this is a book about an attribute of God. Rather than rely on our own ideas of justice, we must look to the One who made us and embodies justice perfectly. Only then can we pursue justice in purposeful, effective, eternal ways.

Dr. Paul Nyquist is president of Moody Global Ministries, a higher education and media ministry founded by evangelist D. L. Moody in 1886.
Publisher: Moody
ISBN: 9780802414946
Item #: 13591
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 12
Page Count: 168
Publication Date: 2017

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