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Dever, Mark


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1 Corinthians 1-9: Challenging church

7 studies for individuals or groups

Mark Dever

Even today, Jesus is still a figure of intense interest and admiration for millions. But then there’s His church. Church is a boring topic for most, and a reluctantly fulfilled duty for many.

And we can understand why. Churches say they have the best news in the world, that they have the answer to our problems, that they are God’s embassies on earth; and yet churches are made up of people like you and me, who are grumpy, irritable, unfaithful, selfish, and worse.

And as that is sadly true of churches today, so it was of the church in Corinth. It was young, it was full of life, and it was just as full of problems. What would God say to such a challenging church? What did they need to be excited by, to listen to, to learn?

Use this seven-study guide to open up the first nine chapters of the letter of 1 Corinthians, to hear what God said to His church in Corinth, and what God still says to His church today.

Mark Dever is Senior Pastor at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, DC, and President of 9Marks Ministries.
Publisher: Good Book Company
ISBN: 9781908317681
Item #: 13626
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 7
Page Count: 96
Publication Date: 2017

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