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Pippert, Rebecca Manley


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Grow (Handbook) - Your life with Christ

Rebecca Manley Pippert

I'm a Christian… what next?

World-famous speaker and evangelist Becky Pippert shows what God's plan for our lives is, and how we can get going and get growing in the Christian life.

For groups who have done the LIVE course, GROW is the follow-up; it also works perfectly as a stand-alone course for groups wishing to think about how to grow in a real, and exciting, way.

This handbook is designed to be used by each group member, along with the accompanying GROW DVD (#13646) or online downloads (which can be accessed via a password given when the DVD is bought).

Rebecca Manley Pippert regularly speaks on spiritual renewal, evangelism and character formation for church conferences, at schools and colleges and in pastoral training seminars.
Publisher: Good Book
ISBN: 9781910307403
Item #: 13645
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 5
Page Count: 64
Publication Date: 2015

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