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Concise Marrow of Theology, The

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Concise Marrow of Theology - Classic Reformed Theology Series
Author: Heidegger, Johann Heinrich

Casey Carmichael’s translation and Ryan Glomsrud’s historical introduction make a significant contribution to historical studies of Reformed Scholasticism. It acquaints English readers with a significant, though largely forgotten theologian and his efforts to secure a solid program for advancing in systematic theology. Concise Marrow displays the elementary points of all the main topics of dogma, forming a theological primer for beginners. It is characterized by succinct definitions and ample biblical support, apt for setting a good foundation and starting point for deeper theological reflection.

Johann Heinrich Heidegger (1633–1698) was a Swiss Reformed theologian who served as a professor for universities in Heidelberg and Zurich. He was the principle author of the Formula Consensus Helvetica (1675) and is noted as one of the most significant Swiss theologians of the late seventeenth century.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage
ISBN: 9781601786005
Item #: 14736
Binding: Hardback
Chapters: 28
Page Count: 256
Publication Date: 2018

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