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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
An honest look at the meaning of suffering from a Reformed point of view. What purpose does suffering serve in my life? Is God all-powerful? Isn’t he loving and good, particularly toward his children? We all experience suffering, some of us more than others. In fact, if you’re a Christian, you’ve been called to suffer with Christ. But why does it have to hurt?

"Dan McCartney’s splendid book . . . has all the qualities necessary to help us deal with such a sensitive, personal, and often difficult question. It is thoroughly honest and realistic; its approach is markedly Christian wisdom; and above all, it is biblical-- and set out in his clear, readable, and easily followed style. . . . the result is a book whichever Christian should read." SINCLAIR FERGUSON
Publisher: P & R
ISBN: 9780875523866
Item #: 4160
Binding: Paperback
Page Count: 133
Publication Date: 1997

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