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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
By Dennis McCallum, editor. Postmodernism can be broken down into three beliefs - humans are just cogs in a social machine (not individuals created in the image of God), are not autonomous (simply products of their culture), and are never objective or rational (as 'reason' is perceived as relational). While for some this remains just the latest direction philosophy is directing culture, the spiritually astute recognize it as the latest coordinated effort in undermining biblical Christianity.

This new belief system confronts scriptural truth on many fronts: by denying the validity of the Bible, denigrating the human condition and redefining Christian truths to fit the mold of a multi-cultural ecumenical spiritual message.

In a series of essays, several authors examine our present culture and offer descriptive and prescriptive suggestions. Easy to read, especially for laymen.
Publisher: Bethany House
ISBN: 9781556617249
Item #: 4368
Binding: Paperback
Chapters: 15
Page Count: 284
Publication Date: 1996

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