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DeYmaz, Mark

Coming Revolution in Church Economics

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The Coming Revolution in Church Economics - Why Tithes and Offerings Are No Longer Enough, and What You Can Do about It
by: Mark DeYmaz

Tithes and offerings alone are no longer enough to provide for the needs of the local church, enable pastors to pursue opportunities, or sustain long-term ministry impact. Growing financial burdens on the middle class, marginal increases in contributions to religious organizations, shifting generational attitudes toward giving, and changing demographics are having a negative impact on church budgets. Given that someday local churches may be required to pay taxes on the property they own and/or lose the benefit of soliciting tax-deductible gifts, the time to pivot is now. What's needed is disruptive innovation in church economics.

For churches to not only survive but thrive in the future, leaders must learn to leverage assets, bless the community, empower entrepreneurs, and create multiple streams of income to effectively fund mission.

Mark DeYmaz is the founder of Mosaic Church of Central Arkansas and cofounder of the Mosaix Global Network.
Publisher: Baker
ISBN: 9780801094798
Item #: 14747
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 8
Page Count: 256
Publication Date: 2019

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