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By Joyhn Piper and Justin Taylor. -- Useful men are some of the greatest blessings of a people. To have many such is more for a people’s happiness than almost anything, unless it be God’s own gracious, spiritual presence amongst them; they are precious gifts of heaven.

Certainly one of the most useful men in evangelical history was the man who preached those words, pastor and theologian Jonathan Edwards. Commemorating his 300th birthday, general editors John Piper and Justin Taylor chose ten essays that highlight different aspects of Edwards’s life and legacy and show how his teachings are just as relevant today as they were three centuries ago.

Even within the church, many people know little more about Edwards than what is printed in American history textbooks most often, excerpts from his best-known sermon, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.They unjustly envision Edwards preaching only fire and brimstone to frightened listeners. But he knew and preached God’s heaven as much as Satan’s hell. He was a humble and joyful servant, striving to glorify God in his personal life and public ministry.
Publisher: Crossway Books
ISBN: 9781581345636
Item #: 6991
Binding: Paperback
Chapters: 10
Page Count: 288
Publication Date: 2004

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