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Rookmaaker, Hans

Jazz, Blues, and Spirituals - Origins & Spirituality of Black Music

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Jazz, Blues, and Spirituals - The Origins and Spirituality of Black Music in the United States, New Edition
Hans Rookmaaker

“African American Spirituals . . . are the root of almost all American music, being the forebears of both the Blues—music that expresses the burden of so-called ‘freedom’ and hardships of everyday life, and Jazz, America’s classical music,” writes Jazz vocalist and composer Ruth Naomi Floyd. “This work . . . shows the words of a Dutch man, a brilliant scholar, author, and cultural critic, who, as a youth, was drawn to African American music. . . . His prophetic insight on Christianity and the arts is profound.”

Hans Rookmaaker (1922–1977) was a notable Dutch professor and author, writing on art theory, music, philosophy, religion, and other topics.
Publisher: P&R
ISBN: 9781629956732
Item #: 14717
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 7
Page Count: 248
Publication Date: 2020

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