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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Terry Johnson (PCA) stresses that the Beatitudes are Jesus' handbook to living a fuller life. This better, more contented and satisfying life is only for the people who believe in him,because, as Terry demonstrates, the Sermon on theMount was preached to the disciples and not to thegeneral population. This blows a horrible hole inthe theories of those who try to take this collection of Jesus' teachings as a guide to more harmonious living outside the church. God's blessings here are on his people in a special way, not on thepopulation as a whole. To this end Terry doesn't allow for the word 'blessed' to be translated 'happy', as it trivializes some very serious points Jesus makes. He explains the beatitudes, showing bothwhat they don't mean, and opening up what they do. His conclusions are strong, challenging, and immensely practical. You will be engaged in the impact of Jesus' words as you never have before.
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
ISBN: 9781857927702
Item #: 6483
Binding: Paperback
Chapters: 10
Page Count: 176
Publication Date: 2003

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