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New Matthew Henry Commentary in updated language

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For nearly 300 years, Christians have consulted the rich insights and brilliant reflections of Presbyterian minister Matthew Henry’s commentary on the Bible. Updating the language of the original while retaining its beauty and reliable content, The New Matthew Henry Commentary renders this classic work more accessible than ever.

A classic commentary in modern language … this volume contains the wealth of exposition, metaphors, analogies, and illustrations that have set Matthew Henry’s Commentary apart as one of the enduring legacies of faith—and presents them in the language of today. Passage by passage, its prayerful, penetrating reflections and rich insights into the very heart of God’s Word are sure to challenge and inspire you.Ideal for personal devotions, Bible studies, and lesson and sermon preparations, The New Matthew Henry Commentary will enable you to rediscover this classic work—or discover it for the first time. Forever fresh and never failing to render new pearls of wisdom, this beloved text is one that you will reach for often to obtain deeper understanding of and appreciation for the Scriptures.

MATTHEW HENRY was born in Broad Oak, Iscoid, Wales on October 18, 1662. Matthew became a Christian at the age of ten years old (1672). He studied law and was ordained in 1687 serving as a pastor in Chester, from that same year until 1712. He began to teach the Old Testament in the mornings and the New in the afternoons. This constituted the basis for his future Commentary, which he began writing in 1704. However, he died in 1714, and thirteen non-conformist theologians took care of completing it.
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 9780310253990
Item #: 1567
Binding: Hardcover
Chapters: 66
Page Count: 2288
Publication Date: 2010

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