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Moore, Thomas

Philippians - Kerux Commentary Series

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Philippians - A Commentary for Biblical Preaching and Teaching
Author: Thomas S. Moore & Timothy D. Sprankle

Kerux Commentaries enable pastors and teachers to understand and effectively present the message of a biblical text. Kerux opens up each text of the Bible by explaining the message of the text to the original audience, unpacking the timeless truth of the passage, and finally providing communication insights for conveying that truth to a contemporary audience.

Each volume is written by a biblical scholar and a working pastor or homiletics scholar in partnership. Inclusion of a preaching author means that the commentary is centered on the biblical insights that are useful to a pastor as well as effective communication strategies and illustrations for each passage. Readers will discern the benefits of this throughout, as a resource designed and written with the real needs of regular proclamation always in sight.

Thomas S. Moore was a pastor for fifteen years and served as an adjunct professor for Columbia International University, Luther Rice University, and Bryan College. Currently he is Pastor of South Asia at Fellowship Church, Knoxville and president of Didache, Inc., which provides teaching for church planters and pastors in South Asia. He is the author of a number of biblical studies.

Timothy D. Sprankle is senior pastor at Leesburg Grace Brethren Church in Northern Indiana. He has taught Bible in academic and church settings since 1995 and pastored for ten years.
Publisher: Kregel
ISBN: 9780825458354
Item #: 14777
Binding: Hardback
Page Count: 256
Publication Date: 2019

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