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Balswick, Judith K.

Authentic Human Sexuality - 3rd Edition

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Authentic Human Sexuality - An Integrated Christian Approach - 3rd EDITION
by Judith K. Balswick and Jack O. Balswick

Sex pervades our culture, going far beyond the confines of the bedroom into the workplace, the church, and the media. Yet despite all the attention and even obsession devoted to sex, human sexuality remains confusing and even foreboding. What, after all, is authentic human sexuality?

That is the question Judith and Jack Balswick set out to answer in this wide-ranging and probing book. Informed by sociology, psychology, and theology, the Balswicks investigate how human sexuality originates both biologically and socially. They lay groundwork for a normative Christian interpretation of sexuality, show how authentic sexuality is necessarily grounded in relationships, and explore such forms of "inauthentic sexuality" as sexual harassment, pornography, and rape.

Judith K. Balswick (EdD, University of Georgia) is a licensed marriage and family therapist who has been in practice for over thirty years and has taught for over twenty years in the marriage and family therapy program at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California.

Jack O. Balswick (PhD, University of Iowa) is senior professor of sociology and family development at Fuller Theological Seminary. He has twice received an American Senior Fulbright Scholar Fellowship.
Publisher: IVP
ISBN: 9780830852376
Item #: 14781
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 16
Page Count: 304
Publication Date: 2019

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