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Fries, Micah

Leveling the Church - Multipy Your Ministry

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
by Micah FriesJeremy Maxfield

What if the secret to pastoral success is to do less ministry?

Or maybe it's more like a two-part secret: do less ministry, develop more people. The typical pastor takes on far too much. Who visits the hospital? Who counsels couples? Who teaches and preaches and disciples? Usually, the pastor. But according to Ephesians 4, a pastor's true goal should be to equip the so-called ordinary members of their church to take on these pastoral tasks. Micah Fries and Jeremy Maxfield will show you how by:

Exposing the dangerous undercurrents that may be holding back your church culture
Teaching you how to narrow your focus in order to multiply your ministry
Walking you through how to delegate, develop leaders, and deploy your members.

MICAH FRIES is the Senior Pastor of Brainerd Baptist Church in Chattanooga, TN. and is currently a Ph.D. student, studying North American Missiology.
Publisher: Moody Press
ISBN: 9780802418777
Item #: 14836
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 11
Page Count: 188
Publication Date: 2020

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