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Canon, Covenant and Christology

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Canon, Covenant and Christology - Rethinking Jesus and the Scriptures of Israel
by Matthew Barrett

Matthew Barrett argues that Jesus and the apostles have just as convictional a doctrine of Scripture as Paul or Peter, but it will only be discovered if the Gospels are read within their own canonical horizon and covenantal context. The nature of Scripture presupposed by Jesus and the Gospel writers may not be addressed directly, but it manifests itself powerfully when their words are read within the Old Testament's promise-fulfilment pattern.

Nothing demonstrates Scripture's divine origin, divine authorial intent and trustworthiness more than the gospel of Jesus Christ. In the advent of the Son of God, the Word has become flesh, announcing to Jew and Gentile alike that the covenant promises Yahweh made through the Law and the Prophets have been fulfilled in the person and work of Christ.

Matthew Barrett is associate professor of Christian theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and the executive editor of Credo Magazine.
Publisher: IVP
ISBN: 9780830829293
Item #: 14940
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 7
Page Count: 384
Publication Date: 2020

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