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Uncommon Ground

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
UNCOMMON GROUND - Living Faithfully in a World of Difference
by Timothy Keller - PCA

Timothy Keller and legal scholar John Inazu bring together a thrilling range of artists, thinkers, and leaders to provide a guide to faithful living in a pluralistic, fractured world.

How can Christians today interact with those around them in a way that shows respect to those whose beliefs are radically different but that also remains faithful to the gospel? Timothy Keller and John Inazu bring together illuminating stories--their own and from others--to answer this vital question. Uncommon Ground gathers an array of perspectives from people thinking deeply and working daily to live with humility, patience, and tolerance in our time. Contributors include:

Tish Harrison Warren
Kristen Deede Johnson
Claude Richard Alexander
Shirley Hoogstra
Sara Groves
Rudy Carrasco
Trillia Newbell
Tom Lin
Warren Kinghorn
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 9781400221455
Item #: 14967
Binding: Paperback
Chapters: 12
Page Count: 240
Publication Date: 2021

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