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Cure for Unjust Anger, The

Cure for Unjust Anger, The

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
The Cure for Unjust Anger - Puritan Treasures for Today
by John Downame

As a physician of souls, John Downame begins this important book by carefully defining anger and distinguishing between righteous and unjust expressions of it. He then helps us consider the properties, causes, kinds, and effects of unjust anger. Finally, moving beyond diagnosis, he presents the cure of sinful anger by prescribing practical strategies for both preventing and overcoming unjust anger in its different forms. Downame writes as a skilled practitioner who has assembled a comprehensive moral and spiritual pharmacy for treating sin-sick souls.

John Downame (1571–1652) was a Puritan minster at All Hallows church, licenser of the press, and an examiner for ordaining ministers in London.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage
ISBN: 9781601787675
Item #: 14970
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 12
Page Count: 128
Publication Date: 2020

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