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Commentary upon the Book of the Revelation 1-3

Commentary upon the Book of the Revelation 1-3

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
A Commentary upon the Book of the Revelation: Lectures on Chapters 1–3
by James Durham

This first of three projected volumes comprises a third of the lectures and fully half of the theological essays. The text covers chapter one in nine lectures (the most on any chapter) and the letters to the seven churches in Asia. The theological lectures contained cover such subjects as the doctrine of the Trinity, a call to the ministry and qualifications for the ministry, church government and church discipline, repentance, the difference in common and saving grace, and preaching and application in preaching. The text has been collated with a 1653 manuscript and an appendix contains texts and full lectures that are significantly different than the published edition of 1658.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage
ISBN: 9781601787965
Item #: 14985
Binding: Hardback
Page Count: 504
Publication Date: 2020

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