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Big Bible Science

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Big Bible Science - Experiment and Explore God’s World
Erin Lee Green

Big Bible Science helps children and those who teach them to explore God’s World and God’s Word through real live science experiments. There are twenty–one different units taking students through scientific concepts such as Gravity, Friction, Animal Classification and the Nervous System. God creates young minds to ask questions and seek answers. This book is designed to stir the imaginations of students and develop a lasting love for Christ.

Chapter Components
Objectives: These are the science learning goals.
Materials: What you need before each lesson.
The Big Idea: A scientific explanation of the lesson that also ties in a Biblical perspective.
Activities: Demonstrations, games and experiments.
Apply it: Ideas about how to find examples of the lesson in your world.
Go Beyond: For more advanced students this will challenge them to think and experiment further.

Erin Lee Green has taught chemistry, astronomy, geology, and biology in a public school setting. She holds a Master of Arts in teaching. She now enjoys sharing the wonders of God’s World and Salvation with her own children and her many curious students.
Publisher: Christian Focus Pub
ISBN: 9781781917459
Item #: 15031
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 28
Page Count: 96
Publication Date: 2020

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