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God Who Acts in History

God Who Acts in History

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
The God Who Acts in History - The Significance of Sinai
Craig G. Bartholomew

The Bible presents a living God who speaks and acts, and whose speaking and acting is fundamental to his revelation of himself. God’s action in history may seem obvious to many Christians, but modern philosophy has problematized the idea. Today, many theologians often use the Bible to speak of God while, at best, remaining agnostic about whether he has in fact acted in history.

Historical revelation is central to both Jewish and Christian theology. Two major events in the Bible showcase divine agency: the revelation at Sinai in Exodus and the incarnation of Jesus in the gospels. Surprisingly, there is a lack of serious theological reflection on Sinai by both Jewish and Christian scholars, and those who do engage the subject often oscillate about the historicity of what occurred there.

Craig G. Bartholomew is director of the Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics, Tyndale House, Cambridge, UK.
Publisher: Eerdmans
ISBN: 9780802874672
Item #: 15039
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 9
Page Count: 265
Publication Date: 2020

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