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Holy Fear: Trading Lesser Fears for the Fear of the Lord

Holy Fear: Trading Lesser Fears for the Fear of the Lord

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A Holy Fear: Trading Lesser Fears for the Fear of the Lord
Author: Christina Fox - PCA

The Bible frequently cautions us against such fears. In fact, “do not fear” is the most frequent command found in Scripture. But there’s another type of fear the Bible mentions that is different from our other fears. And it also contains a command: “fear the Lord.” We find the command throughout the Old and New Testaments. It is an essential component to our faith. Our Savior had a fear of the Lord. Since we are so familiar with fear and the terror we sometimes feel in the face of our fears, we can often misunderstand what it means to fear the Lord.

A Holy Fear unpacks what the “fear of the Lord” means and what it looks like in our lives. It will show examples of such fear in Scripture. It will explore the fruits of fearing the Lord as well as the promises of God to those who fear. And because the Bible teaches that the fear of the Lord disarms and weakens our lesser fears, A Holy Fear will help the reader apply what they are learning to their own heart, helping them turn from their lesser fears to a fear of the Lord.

Christina Fox is content editor of enCourage and Women's Ministry Regional Adviser.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage
ISBN: 9781601788092
Item #: 15108
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 8
Page Count: 192
Publication Date: 2020

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