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Day by Day Kid's Bible

Day by Day Kid's Bible

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Day by Day Kid’s Bible - The Bible for Young Readers
by Karyn Henley

In only 7 minutes a day, your child can read the Bible in 1 year!
Bible readings for every day of the year
Simplified Scriptures for young readers
Full-color illustrated timeline of events that took place during Bible times
Perfect for readers ages 7 and up

The Day by Day Kid’s Bible bridges the gap between a Bible storybook and a full-text Bible since the Scriptures are simplified for young readers.

Karyn received the 1997 Excellence in Children's Ministry Award from the Children's Pastor's Conference, was named one of the Top 10 People Who Have Changed the Face of Children's Ministry by Children's Ministry magazine, and received a regional Emmy Award as a music composer for a Christmas television special and a song-writing Dove Award nomination.
Publisher: Tyndale
ISBN: 9780842355360
Item #: 15124
Binding: Hardback
Page Count: 880
Publication Date: 2002

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