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Christ and His Threefold Office

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Christ and His Threefold Office
By John Flavel

Flavel explores the glory of Christ becoming a man “to qualify and prepare Him for a full discharge of His mediatorship, in the office of our Prophet, Priest, and King.”

“Salvation,” says Flavel, “is revealed by Christ as a Prophet, procured by Him as a Priest, applied by Him as a King. In vain it is revealed, if not purchased; in vain revealed and purchased, if not applied.”

Flavel’s treatment of the subject is polemical when necessary and painstakingly detailed when he believes the truth is at stake. It is an act of adoration, of meditations upon “the transcendent excellency of Jesus Christ.”

John Flavel (1628–1691) was an English Puritan who became a non-conformist after the ‘Great Ejection’ of 1662. It was 10 years before he was licenced to preach again, and then only in his own home. His writings, when collected in the 19th century, filled 6 volumes. Flavel’s writings are known for their practical nature. He was instrumental in promoting the ‘Happy Union’ of Presbyterians and Congregationalists.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage
ISBN: 9781601788498
Item #: 15451
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 17
Page Count: 160
Publication Date: 2021

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