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Biblical Spirituality

Biblical Spirituality

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Biblical Spirituality
Edited by Christopher W. Morgan, Contributions by Nathan A. Finn, Paul R. House, George H. Guthrie, Anthony L. Chute, Gregg R. Allison, Gregory C. Cochran, Justin L. McLendon, Benjamin M. Skaug, Charles L. Quarles

What is spirituality? For some, it means nothing more than vague self-improvement pulled from the latest best-selling self-help book. For others, it refers to some generic religious practice. Shedding life-giving light on what often remains ill-defined and unclear, this book sets forth a vision of biblical spirituality—“a renewed sense of the momentousness of being alive in God’s world as God’s people are led by God’s Spirit through God’s Word unto godly, Christlike character.” With careful exegetical work and theological reflection, the contributors—pastors and scholars such as Christopher W. Morgan, Paul R. House, Nathan A. Finn, and Gregg R. Allison—address spirituality from the perspective of the Bible, exploring topics such as the Trinity, divine sovereignty and human responsibility, the “already” and “not yet,” and the church. This book also addresses practical questions about spirituality related to the workplace, disciplines of the body, and more.

Christopher W. Morgan (PhD, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary) is a professor of theology and the dean of the School of Christian Ministries at California Baptist University.
Publisher: Crossway
ISBN: 9781433547881
Item #: 15367
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 10
Page Count: 304
Publication Date: 2019

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