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He Is There and He Is Not Silent

He Is There and He Is Not Silent

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He Is There and He Is Not Silent
By Francis A. Schaeffer - PCA

As one of the greatest Christian philosophers of the twentieth century, Francis Schaeffer made it his mission to relate Christianity to the surrounding culture's worldview. His works continue to have relevance today as Christians grapple with current issues in metaphysics, morals, and epistemology. In this redesigned apologetic work, Schaeffer encourages readers to have a deeper understanding of who they are, who God is, and how they know him as they encounter the infinite-personal God who is there and is not silent.

Francis A. Schaeffer (1912–1984) authored more than twenty books, which have been translated into several languages and have sold millions globally. He and his wife, Edith, founded the L’Abri Fellowship international study and discipleship centers. Recognized internationally for his work in Christianity and culture, Schaeffer passed away in 1984 but his influence and legacy continue worldwide.
Publisher: Crossway
ISBN: 9781433569531
Item #: 15484
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 4
Page Count: 128
Publication Date: 2020

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