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Natural Theology

Natural Theology

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Biblical and natural theology may not appear to mix, but the two actually do belong together. Vos’s reputation as the father of contemporary biblical theology is not negated by his earlier teaching of natural theology, appearing here for the first time in English.

Gathered from source material found in the Heritage Hall archives at Calvin Seminary and University, these are the earliest notes of Vos’s lectures on natural theology. They demonstrate his understanding of Reformed orthodox approaches as well as extensive knowledge of contemporary developments in the subject.

Geerhardus Vos (1862–1949) was born in the Netherlands and emigrated to the US in 1881. He earned degrees from Calvin Theological Seminary, Princeton Theological Seminary, and the University of Strasbourg (PhD in Arabic). In 1894 he was ordained as a minister in the Presbyterian Church in the USA. Before beginning a thirty-nine-year tenure on Princeton’s faculty, he was professor of systematic and exegetical theology at Calvin Theological Seminary.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage
ISBN: 9781601789082
Item #: 15528
Binding: Hardback
Page Count: 184
Publication Date: 2022

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