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Who Needs the Church?

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Who Needs the Church? Why We Need the Church (and Why the Church Needs Us)
Terry L. Johnson - PCA

It seems that increasing numbers of professing Christians in the West do not attend church. Church, to many, has become a place to go when it is convenient, to have one’s needs met. Terry L. Johnson asks whether our individualistic, dismissive attitude to the gathering of the local church can be squared with that of the New Testament.

Examining what the Bible has to say about the church, Johnson shows why the local body of believers is an essential part of the life of every believer – and the role that each individual believer plays in the life of the church. This thought–provoking, challenging book will benefit every believer.

Terry Johnson is the senior minister of the Independent Presbyterian Church in Savannah, Georgia, which he has served since 1987.
Publisher: Christian Focus
ISBN: 9781527108356
Item #: 15687
Binding: Hardback
Chapters: 19
Page Count: 128
Publication Date: 2022

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