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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
The Christian life involves dance, not drudgery.
When the Scriptural attributes of the Christian life are vibrant, soul-satisfying traits like joy and peace, it’s troublesome to hear so few believers describe their spiritual experience in the same terms. Our realities often leave us discouraged, bored, or disillusioned with Christianity, and we can’t figure out how to align our God-given desires for intimacy with Jesus with the most honest question of our hearts: Is this all there is to the Christian life?

If this rings true for you, we’d like to propose a dance. Would you consider learning the steps of The Gospel Waltz?

The Gospel Waltz is an unapologetic treatise on grace, not shying away from theological truth but processing it through the lens of a simple and highly memorable tool for a life lived abiding in Christ. Through the accessible paradigm of repent, believe, and fight, the Waltz offers a framework to take hold of the gospel in everyday life and appreciate the transformational and refreshing power of unrelenting grace.
Publisher: GCD Books
ISBN: 9781736744697
Item #: 16001
Binding: Paperback
Chapters: 9
Page Count: 228
Publication Date: 2023

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