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ESV Chronological Bible

ESV Chronological Bible

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    ESV Chronological Bible - Read through Scripture in Historical Order with the ESV Chronological Bible

    This easy-to-read format combines various prophetic books, Psalms, and letters alongside Scripture’s historical accounts. Each era begins with an introduction, serving to reorient the reader and connect the section to God’s redemptive narrative as a whole. What’s more, this freshly designed layout divides the entire Bible into 365 daily readings—each beginning with a summary and timeline—making it easy to study Scripture over the course of a year.

    Presents the ESV Text in Chronological Order: The entire Bible is divided into 8 distinct eras and organized in the order the events occurred
    New One-Year Plan: Each of the 365 daily readings begins with a summary and timeline to show how the reading fits into the broader biblical narrative
    Additional Content: Written introductions help readers reorient their minds on the next major biblical era
    Publisher: Crossway
    ISBN: 9781433589508
    Item #: 16032
    Binding: Hardback
    Page Count: 1808
    Publication Date: 2023

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