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Brief Walk through Christian History

Brief Walk through Christian History

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A Brief Walk through Christian History - Discover the People, Movements, and Ideas That Transformed Our World
by Justin Gatlin

At the beginning of the first century, a teacher named Jesus of Nazareth shook Roman-occupied Israel with his preaching and teaching. When, several years later, the Romans crucified Jesus and sealed him in a tomb, his disciples were crushed and confused.
Two thousand years later, more than two billion followers of Jesus can be found around the globe. Justin Gatlin tells the story of how that happened—from the miraculous resurrection of Jesus to the spread of Christianity throughout Africa and Asia in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. For each era covered in A Brief Walk through Christian History, Justin shows how Christians from that time period
responded to Christ’s call to spread the gospel message,
described and defined what it means to be a follower of Christ
taught and discipled people who joined the church.

Justin Gatlin has served as senior pastor of Alvin Missionary Baptist Church since January 2018. He is part of the faculty of Texas Baptist Institute and Seminary in Henderson, Texas, and oversees the school's extension learning center in Alvin, Texas.
Publisher: Tyndale
ISBN: 9781496473684
Item #: 16070
Binding: Hardback
Chapters: 13
Page Count: 180
Publication Date: 2023

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