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God's Man From Brooklyn

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Frank Edward Smith sailed the high seas in the U.S. Navy, before jumping ship in California. As a U.S. Army soldier, he fought in Europe during World War II. He had skills in a number of trades, including butcher, carpenter, and metalworker. He was a high school dropout who never attended college. Who would have thought that this man would be called by God to the gospel ministry?

Pastor Smith became one of the founders of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). He never wrote a book or pastored a large congregation, but he was instrumental in organizing three congregations, and served the church well at both the presbytery and General Assembly levels. At the age of 62, he moved back to his native New York, becoming one of the first PCA church planters in the Northeastern United States.

This book, one of less than a handful of biographies on PCA founding fathers, presents an intimate look at a faithful churchman, but does so against the backdrop of the twentieth century. It will be of great interest to ministers and candidates and others who would benefit from his noble example, and those interested in cultural, social, and religious history, as well as those who simply love a good story.

Frank J. Smith (Ph.D., D.D.) Chancellor, Tyndale International University, Los Angeles, California
Pastor, Atlanta Reformed Presbyterian Church (RPCNA), Atlanta, Georgia
Publisher: Presbyterian Scholars Press
ISBN: 9780967699134
Item #: 16167
Binding: Hardback
Chapters: 26
Page Count: 263
Publication Date: 2024

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