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Calling on the Prophets: In Christian Witness to Muslims

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Calling on the Prophets: In Christian Witness to Muslims
by Colin Bearup

All the prophets are to be taken seriously by Muslims. They know the names of many Bible characters and often know Islam’s version of their stories. Most Muslims, however, are also aware that they do not know the whole story. This book is about sharing the precious truth of the gospel by referencing characters on whom Muslims themselves set a high value.

Calling on the Prophets offers helpful, practical conversational habits to initiate, navigate, and steer conversations through the common ground of our prophetic heritage. This is not a method to replace all others; it is an extra ability to add to our skill set. In the first four chapters, Colin Bearup lays out the principles and sets ground rules for respectful, fruitful conversations. The next ten chapters apply these principles to fourteen Bible characters known to Muslims as prophets. If we master the approach, we can engage in these example conversations and successfully delve into others.

None of these ideas are totally new, but they are brought together in one slim volume with real-life examples. Here is an opportunity to learn new ways to enhance our effectiveness in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.

Colin Bearup has served with WEC International among Muslims in Africa and in the UK for forty years. He is a guest lecturer at Cornerstone Bible College for Mission Training in the Netherlands, at the Nazarene Theological College's Manchester Centre for the Study Christianity and Islam in the UK, and the Sydney Mission and Bible College in Australia.
Publisher: William Carey Publishing
ISBN: 9781645083917
Item #: 16248
Binding: Paperback
Page Count: 110
Publication Date: 2021

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