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Sacred Refuge - Finding Unexpected Shelter in Your Crisis

Sacred Refuge - Finding Unexpected Shelter in Your Crisis

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Sacred Refuge - Finding Unexpected Shelter in Your Crisis
Author: Lynne Rienstra - PCA

When crisis hits, we can feel overwhelmed, scared, and alone. Our instinct is to retreat and take cover. But where are we hiding? Often in flimsy shelters of our own making. What if you could find a place where you feel safe in your soul, where even the worst that life dishes out cannot shake your faith or steal your peace? It's a place so deeply rooted in the presence and love of God that nothing can move you.

In the pages of Sacred Refuge, you'll meet women—both biblical and present-day—who have stared in the face of challenges like homelessness, hunger, life-threatening illness, the loss of a child, debilitating sin, life-altering rejection, and untimely death, yet find Christ to be their enduring refuge. Author Lynne Rienstra invites you to join this sisterhood and learn from these women's fears, mistakes, and triumphs. To enhance your journey, she offers Transforming Truths, application questions, and a study guide.

Lynne Rienstra serves Samaritan’s Purse as a regional director and has seen crisis up close through her travels. She recently navigated her own crisis through cancer. Trained in English at Smith College, she also holds a certificate in Spiritual Formation. Along with her callings as pastor’s wife, women’s event speaker, and writer, Rienstra finds joy in traveling, family, and friends. Her dream is to catalyze a movement of women who transform our culture and world as they passionately follow Jesus. More information can be found at
Publisher: Kregel
ISBN: 9780825448713
Item #: 16294
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 10
Page Count: 256
Publication Date: 2024

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