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Seeking God's Face: Praying with the Bible Through the Year

Seeking God's Face: Praying with the Bible Through the Year

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    Seeking God's Face: Praying with the Bible through the Year

    From the very beginning of the church, Christians have found it helpful to pause for prayer during various times of the day. Whether for morning or evening devotions or other fixed-time prayers, such spiritual respites were deemed essential to worshiping God. Over the years, Christians developed a structure for such moments of worship, keyed to the time of day and season of the year. Part of its genius was the seamless integration of Scripture and prayer. This ancient practice, called the "Daily Office," has experienced a resurgence of use in our time.

    Seeking God's Face is a user-friendly approach to this form of prayer and devotion. Each office includes a psalm of praise, a passage of Scripture, and a brief set of prayers. An introduction to prayer-book use from Eugene Peterson is included to acclimate readers to this form.
    Publisher: Baker Books
    ISBN: 9780801072642
    Item #: 16312
    Binding: Imitation Leather
    Page Count: 832
    Publication Date: 2010

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