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African-American Experience in World Mission

African-American Experience in World Mission

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Venture into the world of overseas missions from an African-American perspective. This collection of articles takes you deep into the history of missions in the African-American community. You will learn of the struggles to stay connected to the world of missions in spite of great obstacles. You will read of unique cultural experiences while traveling abroad. You will feel the heart for fulfilling the Great Commission both in the African-American community and beyond. All text remains the same in this revised edition, with the exception of new study guide questions at the close of each chapter. The questions can be used to help facilitate discussions in Sunday School, Bible study, seminary classes, conference workshops and other group or individual studies.
Publisher: William Carey Library Publishers
ISBN: 9780878084616
Item #: 16321
Binding: Paperback
Chapters: 25
Page Count: 214
Publication Date: 2009

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