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Capturing God: The Surprising Image That Reveals the Truth about God

Capturing God: The Surprising Image That Reveals the Truth about God

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Capturing God - The surprising image that reveals the truth about God
Rico Tice

Imagine being offered one photograph that captured the essence of God—an image that revealed everything you need to know about everything that matters. And imagine if this picture of God would shock you… shake you… and change you forever.
Rico Tice takes readers to the cross in all its shock, inviting them to see God as they have never seen him before. Readers will see that Jesus loves them so much that he died in their place and that the God presented in Luke’s Gospel is a God of integrity, welcome, justice and peace.

Rico Tice is a passionate evangelist, and former Senior Minister of Evangelism at All Souls, Langham Place in London. Co-Founder of Christianity Explored Ministries, he is a regular speaker at missions and evangelistic events around the world.
Publisher: Good Book Co
ISBN: 9781784981594
Item #: 16328
Binding: Paperback
Chapters: 6
Page Count: 64
Publication Date: 2017

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