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ESV Everyday Gospel Bible: Connecting Scripture to All of Life

ESV Everyday Gospel Bible: Connecting Scripture to All of Life

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    ESV Everyday Gospel Bible: Connecting Scripture to All of Life
    by Paul Tripp

    Christians know that daily Scripture reading is an essential spiritual discipline. But sometimes opening the Bible day in and day out can feel like a burden, rather than the joy and gift that it is. Spending a few minutes reflecting on the truths found within God’s word can strengthen your faith, help you resist sin, and inspire you to live for the eternal, unshakable kingdom of God.

    The ESV Everyday Gospel Bible features 365 daily devotional commentaries by Paul David Tripp embedded within the full ESV Bible text that follows an annual Bible reading plan. Along with gospel-rich introductions to each book of Scripture, Tripp highlights 120 doctrinal sidebars throughout, applying each to everyday life. The Bible concludes with 12 full-length articles in the back addressing real-life struggles such as anxiety, pride, sexuality, money, marriage, parenting, church, and work. Journeying with readers through a rich study of God’s Word, Tripp leads believers into a daily experience of the rescuing and renewing grace of God.
    Publisher: Crossway
    ISBN: 9781433595691
    Item #: 16345
    Binding: Hardback
    Page Count: 1744
    Publication Date: 2024

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