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Confident Witness: Evangelism and Apologetics for the 21st Century

Confident Witness: Evangelism and Apologetics for the 21st Century

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Confident Witness: Evangelism and Apologetics for the 21st Century
Edited by David S. Dockery, Contributions by Christopher W. Morgan, K. Erik Thoennes, Harry Lee Poe, Dan DeWitt, Robert B. Sloan Jr., Jim Denison, David Gustafson, David Kotter, Travis Dickinson, Anna Daub, Tim McKnight, Susan Booth, Mark Legg

Essay Collection Offers Colleges and Students a Practical Introduction to Evangelism

Inclusivism, universalism, and other secular cultural trends are dominating higher education and the world at large. Are Christian universities making the most of their unique position to advance the gospel in the 21st century?

Compiling essays from various Christian scholars, Confident Witness helps educators and students understand the importance of evangelism in every generation. Edited by David S. Dockery, president of the International Alliance for Christian Education, the chapters cover a variety of topics, including the theological foundation of evangelism; discipleship and apologetics; evangelism in church history; and evangelism in a post-Christian context. Uniting influential voices in Christian higher education, Confident Witness challenges students to take an active part in God’s salvation work through direct, urgent communication of the gospel.

David S. Dockery (PhD, University of Texas System) serves as president of the International Alliance for Christian Education as well as president and distinguished professor of theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Publisher: Crossway
ISBN: 9781433590115
Item #: 16352
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 14
Page Count: 304
Publication Date: 2024

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