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Smith, Winston


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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
How do you blend two separate families into one household? Family traditions, values, interests, and parenting styles are often so far apart that simple questions like, "Who takes out the trash?" or "Where shall we go for Christmas?" can quickly become flashpoints of conflict.

Winston T. Smith provides a road map to the unique challenges that each member of a stepfamily faces. Drawing on his experience as a marriage and family counselor, Winston Smith shows how understanding each other's struggles, honest sharing, and sacrificial love can transform and unify your stepfamily. As you learn to practically apply these biblical principles, you will find that there are also unique blessings to be found in your new, blended family.
Publisher: New Growth
ISBN: 9781934885307
Item #: 9543
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 2
Page Count: 23
Publication Date: 2008

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