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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Would you like to make history? Would you like to change your world? These ten boys grew up and did just that! Find out how Samuel Rutherford showed people that love works better than fear; Johnathan Edwards helped the Iroquois Indians and then was asked to teach at Princeton; Gorege Whitefield preached the Salvation to thousands and saved the lives of children; Robert Murray McCheyne lost his brother but found Jesus; D.L. Moody sold shoes in a shop and then taught childrenk in a caravan; Billy played proffessional baseballl and then preached the gospel; Charles Spurgeon became a Christian in a snowstorm and then told the world about Jesus; A.W. Tozer rescued orphan lambs and then he was saved by Jesus; Martyn Lloyd Jones became a doctor but found a better medicine for souls.
Publisher: Christian Focus
ISBN: 9781857928365
Item #: 8616
Binding: Paper
Page Count: 160
Publication Date: 2003

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